Join us for a debate around the movie “Ramlet Beirut”, with Carol Mansour, Habib Battah, Yara Hamadeh, Nizar Saghieh, and Ali Darwish, moderated by Isabela Serhan.Wednesday, 11th of November, at 6pm (Beirut time, GMT +2).Join us directly through this link.Watch the movie beforehand on YouTube.
By narrating the history of Ramlet el Bayda through the rich archives of Farid Trad, a major figure in Lebanon’s urban planning in the post-independence moment, "Ramlet Beirut" traces the trajectory of Beirut’s only public sandy beach. Known in the 1950s as a deserted, potentially dangerous area, Beirut’s sands were reinvented as the ideal location for planning “modern” urban expansion and, eventually, as the coveted location for developing private beach resorts.Read more about the project here.